Dear Valued Boyd Law Team Members:
First, I want to acknowledge each of you for your contribution to our firm and out clients; especially at a time like this. It takes great courage to stand in the face of mass fear and still show up in service for others. As a legal team we assist individuals in crisis on a daily basis. We also work under extreme pressure in the service to others. Stress, panic, and fear are common occurrences in our industry. In general, in order to be of optimum service to others in need, we have to tend to our own mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health on a daily basis.
Given the world-wide pandemic and the related fears associated with it, now, more than ever, we want to check in with ourselves and each other and realign with our center, rather than being thrown off of our center and out of focus. We are at our strongest physically when we individually take inner responsibility to check in and realign with tools and techniques that assist us in addressing stress in a way that will allow us to shift focus from fear, to the focus on well-being, love, and those individuals and things in our lives that bring us great meaning and joy. I firmly believe that service to others has brought significant meaning to my life and great joy to know I was able to stand by another’s side when they were in a state of crisis or need.
We are all very fortunate to have careers that allow us to shift with the current times and work remotely from home. There are those in the workforce who do not have the resources and/or freedoms to do so. I encourage all of us to reach out to those in need and offer them your support; whether that be a friendly word, a home-cooked meal, or a gift that would assist them during this time. May we all be a voice of calm in the sea of panic for our loved ones and our clients. Kindness will go a long way at this time.
I am very proud of each of you for calmly packing up your desks and transitioning to your home environments. I am grateful to each of you for stepping in to assist one another on remote access. We truly have come together collectively as a team. While this change in work environment may cause certain delays, I am confident we will be just as effective and ready to respond to our clients’ needs at this time. If you need any assistance making the changes to your remote environment, please do not hesitate to reach out.
As many of you know, I have a master’s degree in spiritual psychology as well as certification in Consciousness, Health, and Healing. Richard Corona also has a masters and a certification. In addition to that, I have studied energy medicine with shamans from around the world and I am a certified energy medicine guide. I speak to individuals and groups about ways they can live their best lives and connect or reconnect to their highest visions and dreams, while creating and maintaining meaningful relationships in their lives. I also have training in techniques that assist others in letting go of old wounding patterns, trauma, pain, and even illness. Many of my clients in this capacity and even legal clients speak to me about the stress they are experiencing and how it is coloring the lenses of perception. Living a life of joy, presence, and momentum is paramount to living a fulfilling life. With all of that said, I want to offer everyone on our team with a few helpful insights to minimize and address fear and stress in the hopes that it assists you during these times of heightened fears and stress globally. Collective consciousness can have an impact on us, both positive and negative.
Before I offer certain tips you can do on your own, I will say that the concerns regarding the virus are real. I am not one to fantasize reality away. Instead, I shift my consciousness around it while still addressing the realities of the times. Please use safe practices during these times such as social distancing, sanitation, handwashing, etc. If you do not know what to do to keep yourself safe, please feel free to call me.
In addition to the suggestions I am outlining below, I am also offering any employee at the firm a remote and confidential session with me. During our session, you will be in an environment free of judgment, knowing my sole objective in inviting you on our team is because I care about you as an individual and I want you to succeed and be the best version of you possible. As your leader, I understand the possibility of wanting to hide the emotion or pretend all is well. I assure you, each of us has been on our own path of what I call the “wounded warrior.” Meaning, we all have had significant challenges in our lives to overcome. Working through them is the best way to be free of them and if you will trust me enough to see you in your light and be present with you as you transform any form of suffering into a path of freedom, then I will gladly sit with you and work with you. All healing journeys require individuals to be brave and to face the path in front of them; knowing that they have everything within them that they need to overcome. I see in each of you a strong and compassionate being, who has done so much to assist others; please don’t be afraid to request assistance if you need it.
Here are some tools and techniques I believe in, recommend and personally use:
Throughout the day, take your mindful pauses to re-center and re-connect. Feel into your body and locate where you are holding onto tension and stress. Give yourself a moment to take in deep breaths. I like to breath in love and breath out any form of stress, imagining it going into the Earth for a clearing of the energy that we hold. It is important to shift and move your energy.
Free-style writing: We all experience upset in our daily lives. When we do, that is an opportunity to go deeper into the upset and address why it is there in the first place. What was the trigger? What is your perception around the trigger? Is there any other way to perceive that event? Free style writing in when you empty your feelings onto paper without judgment. Simply set a timer for 10-15 minutes and without any judgment, write whatever is coming to mind. It does not have to make sense. You can certainly bounce around in topics, grammar is not important, it may even turn into a scribble. Do not re-read it. Either safely burn the paper after or shred it so you know it is gone. This is a huge shifter in energy.
Meditation. Many of us have a hard time meditating yet the mind is in control when meditation is a problem. Start with one minute of mindful meditation. Focus on your center, bringing in the image of the sunlight to your core. Breath in inner-peace and allow it to move through your body.
Prayer. For those of you who believe in the power of prayer, it is an amazing way to call in assistance to troubled thoughts or situations. It also is followed by Faith.
Nature. It is very important to connect with nature. We live in a beautiful state. I recommend going for a walk, sitting under a tree, surfing, hiking, jogging and just observing its beauty. Allow it to mesmerize you.
Journaling. Writing out your visions and dreams is an amazing practice. Dream big. Create a living vision as if it is already happening and imagine yourself enjoying that with which you love or would love to experience.
Reading uplifting materials. There are so many books that I love. If you would like a suggestion, I would be happy to suggest a book that is related to your interests.
Spending time with people you love. Laugh. Dance. Play. Not everything has to be so serious. When it becomes too serious, we suffer. We are meant to play.
Salt baths. Light a candle. Relax into the body of water.
Exercise. This is so critical to the health of your body.
Eat nutritious foods. Avoid over stimulating your body where you can with too much sugar, caffeine, or addictive foods and drinks.
All of the above are basic principles and practices we can use to assist us in the shift. Of course, there are many more things that we can do to assist ourselves at all levels. My goal here is to introduce tools for all of us at this time and to offer you my assistance if needed. Please continue to reach out to each other, support each other, and know that as a work family, we care about you and yours. Stay safe, keep your center in your inner peace, and stay connected to the vastness of this Lifetime.
In love and service,
Karie Boyd