I’ve danced with many women throughout California. Recently I spoke with a woman who was so down on herself and lacking confidence that she was crying. I so remember that feeling. I explained to her that dance is moving energy. It is connecting to the love within. The women that I dance with are all so uniquely beautiful and at different stages on their journey. I use dance to help heal women and I have used it in my own life.
Here is the truth though about true inner confidence and true love of self. If we rely on confidence from the outer feedback solely, then we will always be rocked. We can look hot AF and get all kinds of positive feedback which does feel good, no doubt. But that’s not where foundational love for self comes from.
Overall it is about centering in self-perception. Asking yourself the truth about how you perceive yourself. Is it contingent on how others perceive you? I know some pretty hot chicks and there are men who simply are not attracted to them. Does that mean they are not attractive? Hell no. I know women who will intentionally look for another woman’s flaws. Clown her with their little petty friends. All that weak girl mess. But the truth is she can’t be rattled. Her foundation is not contingent on how the world perceives her.
So this is the aligned truth. To truly get to the core of your confidence, with an unshakable foundation in love and adoration of Self, you must see your Self in your connection to Spirit. There is no other way.
You can keep getting procedures done. Buy new clothes, get F Boys to desire you, obtain more strangers to follow you and complement you, out compete the women (for a moment) and blah blah blah. But those girls aren’t fun. They are easy to rock off their pedestal of elusive sass. They are often in conflict and drama with other women too. It ultimately comes down to underestimating the feminine and being in distortion with it.
So, my sexy, fine ass feminine friends...align with the unshakable foundation of Self Adoration in Spirit. Your soul is what hits that extra sweet ass vibe and truly does not look outside of the Self that she chose to be. From there work your magic BayBGirl!
Much love and much sass no matter the size of that beautiful sexy ass! Don’t put your head down BayBLove!
Do me a favor and shake that ass today, not for another but just to flirt with yourself in the mirror. I always flirt with myself in the mirror. “Hey girl hey sassy, your soul is on fire today!” Then I wink at myself. It’s a cool relationship. I love her! 💋😍❤️💃🏽